Is Accountable.
When something goes wrong great leaders step up and acknowledge their part in it and don't fall into the trap of trying to shift blame elsewhere. They'll focus on fixing the problem not fixing blame
Refuses To Gossip.
The best leaders are loyal to those who aren't there and doesn't engage in workplace gossip. No matter how well justified or frustrated they may feel - Ever!
Grows Their People.
They build teams of superstars by being exceptional delegators who delegate challenging work that builds people and gets results. They make sure that their people are regularly being challenged to grow and step ever more into their potential.
Has An Open Office.
What makes a good leader are those people who make it easy for their people to interact with them. Great leaders aren't into the power trip of having to have an office where others must come to them. They understand that having open plan offices enables them to be in the hub with their finger on the pulse ... providing far better results in terms of communication and camaraderie.
Engages And Energizes.
The very best of leaders help people to see that what they do makes a difference. They put into place the structures, systems and principles that enable people to feel challenged by what they do, a sense of ownership in their part of the process and they regularly make use of their innate talents and strengths.
Is At The Leading Edge.
One of my favorite sayings is "if you aren't growing then neither are your people" (and you can quote me on that ~wink~). A high performance leader says relevant by making sure they are at the leading-edge in terms of leadership skills, interpersonal skills and knowledge in their organization's field of expertise. Join our community of leading-edge breakthrough leaders over at the Align-Lead-Inspire Club - there you will find all the tools and resources you need to set your success on fire.
Acts From A Place Of Alignment.
For me, this is ultimately what makes a good leader. A leader who takes the time to align with their source energy (whether you call it God, Universe or some other name) and is focused upon only taking action from a space of love and feeling good. A leader who listen to their inner voice - will always be guided to take the right action.
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