Monday, March 29, 2010

Flash Quran Recitation by Mishary Rashed al-Efasy

Flash Quran Recitation by Mishary Rashed al-Efasy

Flash Quran Recitation by Mishary Rashed al-Efasy

Flash Quran Recitation by Mishary Rashed al-Efasy

Flash Quran Recitation by Mishary Rashed al-Efasy

Flash Quran Recitation by Mishary Rashed al-Efasy

Chinese Proverbs

A person without a smiling face should not open a shop.

Clumsy birds have need of early flight.
An old broom has its value.
In a crisis people grow wisdom.
Intelligence is endowed, but wisdom learned.
Spilt water cannot be retrieved.
One foot cannot stand on two boats
Beware the person with a Buddha's mouth and a snake's heart.
Good medicine is bitter to the taste.
Good heart, good reward
Solitude is enjoyed only when one is at peace with oneself.

One merits should not be a hindrance to one's progress
Review past lessons to discover anew.
Without experiece we will not gain full knowledge.
To accommodate all things, enlarge your heart
One who does not like to read is equal to one who cannot read.
A night without moon or stars is like an ignorant mind.
Common sense goes further than a lot of learning.
A great general need not blow his own trumpet.
Better to make a net than to yearn for fish at the edge of a pond
Ants can move even a mighty mountain.

What is scare is valued, what is plentiful is not.
Patience is the wisdom of waiting.
Rats know the way of rats.
If there are no clouds, there will be no rain
Patience is a tree with bitter roots that bears sweet fruits
Genuine gold fears no fire.
Order moves slowly but surely disorder always in a hurry.
What is good for the hive is good for the bee.
Unless there is opposing wind, a kite cannot rise
A single spark can set a prairie on fire.

Water can both sustain and sink a ship.
Count not what is lost, but what is left.
If there is a strong general there will be no weak soldiers.
To extend your life by a year take one less bite each meal.
Peace only comes when reason rules.
Even the tallest tower started form the ground.
Eloquence provides only persuasion, but truth buys loyalty.
Wisdom is attained by learning when to hold one's tongue.
A single tree cannot make a forest
If one eats less one will taste more.
One hand alone cannot clap, it takes two to quarrel.
It does not matter if the cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice.
Cowards have dreams, brave men have visions
Learning is like the horizon; there is no limit.
The old horse will know the way
A good friend shields you from the storm
Change the skin, wash the heart
Sow melon, reap melon; sow beans, reap beans.
One sings, all follow.
Fortune has a fickle heart and a short memory.
Harsh words and poor reasoning never settle anything.
Dangerous enemies will meet again in narrow streets.
Better to bend in the wind than to break.
Do not kill the hen for her eggs.
First attain skill; creativity comes later.
Make the cap fit the head.
A single beam cannot support a great house.
Do not be concerned with things outside your door.
Wise men may not be learned; learned men may not be wise.
Crows are black the world over.

Do not lift a rock only to drop it on your own foot
Kill the chicken to frigthen the monkey
Wait long, strike fast.
Do not wait until you're thirsty to dig a well
One who would pick the roses must bear with thorns
Failure is the mother of success.
Do not climb a tree to look for a fish
Only time and effort brings proficiency
Distance tests the endurance of a horse; time reveals a man's character.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Heaven has a road, but no one travels it, hell has no gate but men will dig to get there.
Preserve the old, but know the new.
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.
A closed mind is like a closed book, just a block of wood.
To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.
It is not necessary to light a candle to the sun.
Tell me, I'll forget, show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.
Talk doesn't cook rice.
If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.
He who asks is a fool for 5 minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.
Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.
To open a shop is easy, to keep it open is an art.
Men in the game are blind, men outside see clearly.
Man proposes and God disposes

Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.
It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
Man fools himself. He prays for a long life and he fears old age.
A really great man never puts away the simplicity of a child.
Only joy scatters a hundred griefs.
Drinking the water of a well, one should never forget who dug it.
o read a book for the first time is to make an acquaintance with a new friend; to read it for a second time, is to meet an old one.
Over a long distance, you learn about the strength of your horse; over a long time, you learn about the character of your friend.
A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man perfected without trials.
Only he that has traveled the road knows where the holes are deep.
Honest advice is unpleasant to the ear.
An open book benefits your mind.
Experience is the mother of wisdom.

Proverbs from Tibet

On Appearances
Both flowers and jewelry are lovely if just a few. (One should be modest and not wear all of one’s finery at once nor all of the time.)
On Business and Affairs
Affairs cannot be handled with a two-pointed mind. Sewing cannot be done with a two pointed needle.
Double –minded men cannot handle affairs. With many tasks nothing is ever finished. (Too many irons in the fire)
On Boasting
A braggart has no courage, muddy water has no depth.
If the hand can not catch the flea.Let not the mouth slay the tiger.
Though one’s tongue can talk to other persons.To see one self there must be a mirror. (One ought not to boast but look at oneself in a mirror.)
If one eat much honey, it makes the liver sick.If one talk much, the words are like blowing a goat’s horn.
Kill five men, wound ten and capture twenty.
On Comparison
Wood is light on water. And stones seem light on wood.
Clouds are the mistress of the sky. Flesh is the softness of the bones.
On Example
When the blind escort the blind, both fall into the river.
Although the lamp is in his hand, the blind man cannot see his way.
On Evil
The evil mouth of men, breaks the rod of iron. (Gossip will kill the best reputation.)
Snake fears man. Man fears snake. (Two evil fear each other when they meet)
When fire burns over the great mountain, poison is cast in the great sea. (Evil comes to those who spread evil.)
On Food
In the beginning eat your meal, afterwards cut down the fir tree. (Eat first to have strength for the work).
On Glory
Nothing more brilliant than sun and moon, nothing more numerous than the stars.
On Friends and Enemies
As to friends we like the old; As to clothes we like the new.
Brothers may become as enemies. Yet their family ties are golden.
The magpie goes east, the raven goes west.
A neighbor is one hundred times better, than a relative a long distance off.
On Harmony in Life and Nature
Teeth come in at eight months,crawling is at nine months. (Everything must be in natural order.)
A hoe digs, a broom sweeps. (Everything has its proper use)
On Heaven and Hell
When a man bows, heaven forgives.
On Hypocrisy
Like fine satin on the outside, like barley bag on the inside.
Empty in the heart, lovely in the mouth.
One mouth, two tongues. (Two-faced)
After calling a dog, one ought not to beat him.
On Learning
It is easy to do work in a small house, It is easy to deceive those of little mind.
On Master and Servants
The goat sends the kid, the kid sends its tail. (Everyone wants to boss someone else; and each tries to pass the job on down to one of lower rank.)
On Poverty
Long arms, short sleeves.(A person has great ambition but is poverty stricken.)
On Quarrelling
When the yak plows, the ox’s neck bends. (Out of sympathy; when two men quarrel others join in)
On Rulers
An unclean kingdom is filthier than a great swamp.
When a righteous king has crooked ministers.He falls under the rule of his ministers.
On Sincerity
If water is clear. The fish can be seen (We will know in time the truth or falsity of talk.

Words of Wisdom from Confucius

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
When you say something, say what you know. When you don't know something, say you don't know. That is knowledge.
Study the past if you would define the future.
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.
Virtue is more to man than either water or fire. I have seen men die from treading on water and fire, but I have never seen a man die from treading the course of virtue.
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people.
Forget injuries never forget kindness.
Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts?
Study without thought is vain: thought without study is dangerous.
To be fond of learning is near to wisdom.
The gentleman is calm and peaceful; the small man is always emotional.
If one acts with a view to profit, there will be much resentment.
Clever words and a plausible appearance have seldom turned out to be humane.
One who can bring about the practice of five things everywhere under Heavens has achieved humaneness . . .Courtesy, tolerance,good faith diligence and kindness.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Innovative Behaviour

The ability to introduce successful innovations is nowadays seen as a key success factor
in manufacturing and service firms alike.

Morning Motivation

When I woke up this morning lying in bed, I was asking myself;
What are some of the secrets of success in life?
I found the answer right there, in my very room.
The fan said be cool
The roof said maim high
The window said every minute is precious
The mirror said reflect before you act
The calendar said be up to date
The door said push hard for your goals
Carry a Heart that Never Hates.
Carry a Smile that Never Fades.
Carry a Touch that Never Hurts.

Spread the Stupidity

Only in America drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
Only in people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke.
Only in America banks leave vault doors open and then chain the pens to the counters.
Only in America we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.
Only in America we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight..
Only in they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering.
Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?
Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed?
Why don't you ever see the headline 'Psychic Wins Lottery'?
Why is 'abbreviated' such a long word?
Why is it that doctors call what they do 'practice'?
Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavour, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?
Why the man who invests all your money is called a broker?
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
Why isn't there mouse-flavoured cat food?
Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?!
Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
I like this one!!!
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?
Now that you've smiled at least once, it's your turn to spread the stupidity and send this to someone you want to bring a smile to (maybe even a chuckle) other words, send it to everyone. We all need to smile every once in a while.
Spread the Stupidity.

Discover 90/10

Author: Stephen Covey
Discover the 90/10 Principle
It will change your life (or at least, the way you react to situations)
What is this Principle?
10% of life is made up of what happens to you....90% of life is decided by how you react...
What does this mean?
We really have NO control over 10% of what happens to us. We have NO control over this 10%. The other 90% is different. You determine the other 90%. How? By your reaction. You cannot control a red light. However, you can control your reaction. Do not let other people fool you. YOU can control how you react. Let us use an example....
You are having breakfast with your family. Your daughter knocks over a cup of coffee ONTO your business shirt.You have no control over what has just happened. What happens next will be determined by how you react.You curse. You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over. She breaks down in tears. After scolding her, you turn to your wife and you criticise her for placing the cup too close to the edge of the table. A short verbal battle follows. You storm upstairs and change your shirt. Back downstairs, you find your daughter has been too busy crying to finish her breakfast and getting ready to go to school. She misses the bus. Your spouse must leave immediately for work. You rush to the car and drive your daughter to school. Because you are late, you drive 120 km per hour in a 90 km per hour speed limit zone. After a 15 minute delay and throwing RM300.00 traffic fine away, you arrive at school. You daughter runs into the building without saying goodbye. After arriving at the office 20 minutes late, you realize you have forgotten your briefcase. Your day started terrible. As it continues, it seems to get worse and worse. You look forward to coming home. When you arrive home, you find a small wedge in your relationship with your wife and daughter. Why? Because of how you reacted in the morning. Why did you have a bad day? You cause it. You have no control over what happened with the coffee. How you reacted in those 5 seconds is what caused your bad day.
Here is what could have and should have happened. Coffee splashes over you. Your daughter is about to cry. You gently say:”It’s okay, honey, you just need to be More careful next time.” Grabbing a towel you go upstairs and change your shirt. You grab your briefcase and you come back down in time to look through the window and see your child getting on the bus. She turns and waves. You arrive 5 minutes early a cheerfully greet the staff. Notice the difference?
Two different scenarios. Both started the same. Bothe ended differently. Why? Because of how you reacted. You really have no control over 10% of what happens in your life. The other 90% was determined by your reaction. Now you know the 90/10 Principle. Apply it and you will be amazed at the results. You will lose nothing if you try it. The 90/10% Principle is incredible. Yet few know and apply this Principle. The result? You will see it yourself!
Millions of people are suffering from undeserved stress, trials, problems and headaches. We all must understand and apply the 90/10% Principle. It can change your life! ...Enjoy it... It only takes willpower to give ourselves permission to make the difference. Absolutely everything we do, give, say or even think, it’s like a Boomerang. It will come back to us. We want to receive; we need to learn to give first. May be we will end with our hands empty, but our heart will be filled with love.... And those who love life have that feeling marked in their hearts...